Brian Keating

M.A.G.I.C. Message

M.A.G.I.C. Message BLOGS Memory & Appearance Dear Friends, Please see my Royal Institution talk, where I tried to make sense of the mysteries and origins of the universe. This was a career “bucket-list’ item for me, and, to be honest, I’m feeling a bit of a letdown after ticking this one off. You see, the last […]

There, but for the Grace of God

There, but for the Grace of God BLOGS Professor Brian Keating – 17 Oct Apologies for not sending out an email last week. I was profoundly depressed, disturbed, and, quite frankly, friends in Israel’s Jewish community. Prof. Brian Keating In moments like these, when words lose all meaning, I come back to a complex but important […]

I can’t believe a couple of pounds of gray flesh did this!

I can’t believe a couple of pounds of gray flesh did this! BLOGS Professor Brian Keating – 02 Nov This week, we explore the amazing and otherworldly idea we now “understand, black holes, general relativity, and the origin of the universe.” Prof. Brian Keating I spoke to a man known as the Godfather of GR: Prof. […]

I can’t believe a couple of pounds of gray flesh did this!

This week, we explore the amazing and otherworldly idea we now “understand, black holes, general relativity, and the origin of the universe.” Prof. Brian Keating I spoke to a man known as the Godfather of GR: Prof. Lenny Susskind, who said the quote above, to get his thoughts on these mind-boggling concepts. Legendary Lenny reveals the […]

Debate with (tough) love

Debate with (tough) love BLOGS Professor Brian Keating – 02 Nov Engage your opponent with comity (and some comedy 😀) Prof. Brian Keating In my recent episode of the INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast featuring Michio Kaku, there was much to both admire and question. Kaku, a visionary in theoretical physics, offered intriguing perspectives on string theory and its […]

Debate with (tough) love

Engage your opponent with comity (and some comedy 😀) Prof. Brian Keating In my recent episode of the INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast featuring Michio Kaku, there was much to both admire and question. Kaku, a visionary in theoretical physics, offered intriguing perspectives on string theory and its potential to be the “God Equation” — a theory of everything that […]